
Illusion of forever

Beach House





about me ☀️

lucien !!
20, they/she,⚢
xstp, 5w6, phlegmel
☉ capri ☾ taurus ↑ sagi

BYF ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄DNI┄┄┄┄┄

I mainly tweet in italian, i tend to rant a lot, animanga focused, mostly spoiler free, lot of typos!

you're -14/30+, lgbtphobic, racist, ableist, terfs, no common interest, don’t use TW for sensitive matters, constantly involved w/h flames




Sun, russian literature, drawing, philosophy, cosplaying, concerts, sanrio, flowers, sweets, orange cats, pixar+ghibli movies, riordanverse, milk, vampires, snow, weighted blankets, gloves, tattoos, accessories, maximalism, people watching, apples, musicals :P

thunderstorms, loud noises, hiking, economics, neon lights, flying insects, dolphins, cooking, back pain, soda, parking, heights, sports, social gatherings, making decisions

“Calcifer,” Sophie said, “were you ever a falling star?”
Calcifer opened one orange eye at her. “Of course,” he said.


bsd (bsd beast), witch hat’s atelier, homestuck, ons, black butler, one piece, blue period, noragami, vnc, sagrada reset, evangelion, madoka magica, mdzs, tgcf, howl’s moving castle, les miserables, hamilton, cars, houseki no kuni

genshin, hsr, honkai3rd, sky:children of light, animal crossing, zelda, omori


Albedo, Sigma, Kaveh, Howl, Kiana
Raiden ei, Dazai, Xie lian, Phos


Chloe d’Apchier, Ugetsu, Atsushi, Griffith, Sanji, Homura, Yato, Yuki sohma, Yatora, Geto, Qifrey, Kazutora, Mikaela, Ferid —— Columbina, miko, freminet, bronya, kafka.

I exist. In thousands of agonies - I exist.
I'm tormented on the rack - but I exist!
Though I sit alone in a pillar - I exist!
I see the sun, and if I don't see the sun, I know it's there. And there's a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there.